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      今天CryTEK提供Crysis Wars (孤岛危机:战争) Patch v1.2 的游戏补丁下载,各位孤岛勇者当然要赶快下载战斗啦。这个包包不大,只有45MB而已,不过它可摆平了一卡车的问题,包括多人对战模式等等。


  • YouGamers
  • FileFront
  • FilePlanet
  • FileShack
  • StrategyInformer
  • WorthPlaying


    * Fixed:Several client and server crashes.
    * Fixed: Several memory leaks.
    * Fixed: "" in level names in levelrotation.xml will now work.
    * Fixed: Incorrect weapon recoil after zooming.
    * Fixed: Claymore mines sometimes did not detect enemy players.
    * Fixed: Potential exploits using client cvars.
    * Fixed: Players not able to skip intro movies.
    * Fixed: Reloading and shooting with the AY-69 will not cause a second reload animation anymore.
    * Fixed: Saving of Favourite Servers and Last Played Server list.


    * Balance: Reduced prices of AY and SMG.
    * Balance: Increased price of Shotgun.
    * Balance: Reduced price of the PS-Radar Kit.
    * Balance: Adjusted weapon recoil by any SMG and Assault Rifle type weapons.
    * Balance: Reduced Kill radius of any Explosive Weapons.
    * Balance: Adjusted splash radius of any Explosive Weapons.
    * Balance: Reduced rate of fire of the Grenade Launcher.
    * Balance: Adjusted C4 vehicle damage.
    * Balance: Increased LAW rocket Speed.
    * Balance: Increased AAA Rocket speed.
    * Balance: Increased AAA Rocket turn speed.
    * Balance: Adjusted AAA Gun damage.
    * Balance: Reduced splash damage of VTOL rockets against infantry.
    * Balance: Increased damage of Helicopter rockets.
    * Balance: Increased SOCOM damage.
    * Balance: Increased AY69 damage.
    * Balance: Adjusted Stand to Prone modifier for weapons.
    * Balance: Adjusted Stand to crouch modifier for weapons
    * Added shortcut keys for Nanosuit modes


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