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    在我们国庆假期期间,苹果App Store上被发现有一款名为HKmap.live的App,为在我们香港地区进行非法活动的暴徒们,提供避让执法部门的服务,苹果这一行为随即遭到国内用户的强烈谴责和反对,到近日苹果公开在App Store下架了HKmap.live,但与暴雪处罚炉石传说选手发表涉港不当言论的事件类似,虽然苹果作出了这个让我们国内用户满意的行动,却又遭到美国本土不少政界人士、群众,甚至苹果本公司员工强烈反对,直斥苹果为金钱利益低头,因为中国大陆是苹果在全球非常重要的市场,现在苹果公司CEO Tim Cook则向开发者们回应了公司的这个决定。

    在Tim Cook给HKmap.live开发者的电邮中,这位苹果公司现任掌托人表示,他们从App Store上移除HKmap.live这个决定是不容易的,他解释道因为这个App是用来给香港暴徒们提供警察检查点、防护点,以及其它相关信息的报告和定位,以便于暴徒们在无执法单位监管的地区进行暴力行为,这些情况在苹果近日从香港网络安全及科技罪案调查科,还有香港本土用户们获取的可信消息中得到了确认,所以这个App不仅违反了相关法律,还违反了App Store的相关条例,所以将其下架是合情合理的。

    Tim Cook认为他们此举是最好保护用户的决定,但HKmap.live开发者自然不会认同苹果的说法,他们反驳称App的信息是来自用户提交、新闻源和Facebook这样的社交媒体,而且App上也没有在地图上标明无警察的地点,仅显示警察的覆盖范围,这样的理由看来是很牵强的,苹果目前也没有再作回应,所以这个App基本不会再有申诉的可能,而且与其它下架的App还可以在已购买列表重下载不同,即使是此前下载过这个HKmap.live的,用户也无法重新获取。

    下面为Tim Cook的电邮原文:


    You have likely seen the news that we made the decision to remove an app from the App Store entitled HKmap.live. These decisions are never easy, and it is harder still to discuss these topics during moments of furious public debate. It’s out of my great respect for the work you do every day that I want to share the way we went about making this decision.

    It is no secret that technology can be used for good or for ill. This case is no different. The app in question allowed for the crowdsourced reporting and mapping of police checkpoints, protest hotspots, and other information. On its own, this information is benign. However, over the past several days we received credible information, from the Hong Kong Cybersecurity and Technology Crime Bureau, as well as from users in Hong Kong, that the app was being used maliciously to target individual officers for violence and to victimize individuals and property where no police are present. This use put the app in violation of Hong Kong law. Similarly, widespread abuse clearly violates our App Store guidelines barring personal harm.

    We built the App Store to be a safe and trusted place for every user. It’s a responsibility that we take very seriously, and it’s one that we aim to preserve. National and international debates will outlive us all, and, while important, they do not govern the facts. In this case, we thoroughly reviewed them, and we believe this decision best protects our users.


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